viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

More on CLIL

Ana Maria wants to share this:

How does CLIL work?
The basis of CLIL is that content subjects are taught and learnt in a language which is not the mother tongue of the learners.

Knowledge of the language becomes the means of learning content

Language is integrated into the broad curriculum

Learning is improved through increased motivation and the study of natural language seen in context. When learners are interested in a topic they are motivated to acquire language to communicate

CLIL is based on language acquisition rather than enforced learning

Language is seen in real-life situations in which students can acquire the language. This is natural language development which builds on other forms of learning

CLIL is long-term learning. Students become academically proficient in English after 5-7 years in a good bilingual programme

Fluency is more important than accuracy and errors are a natural part of language learning. Learners develop fluency in English by using English to communicate for a variety of purposes

Reading is the essential skill.

Retrieved October 4, 2011.

Remeber that as Marsh, Frigols and Mehisto (2008) say: "thera are many faces of CLIL" and we cannot expect an English teacher AND a specilaist in class, can we?

go on reading and sharing

stella :-)

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