jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

HOW TO tips.

During the first class we saw that we can download videos to watch them offline, i.e. without an internet connection. There are several alternatives here. The best option to download a video for the e-learning class is ATUBE CATCHER.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THESE (or other ) VIDEOS IN YOUR COMPUTER? (Click on the names of the programmes>>>there are links)

  1. Download: REAL PLAYER.
  2. Choose the FREE version (Descargar la Versión Gratuita de Real Player). You simply have to follow instructions.
  1. Once you've downloaded the programme, go to the video below and click on the YOUTUBE button (below the pic, on the right).
  2. you will be directed to the same video in Youtube.
  3. A label will appear on the right top corner: DESCARGAR VIDEO.
  4. Download it and it will go to MIS DOCUMENTOS>>>MIS VIDEOS.
Other options:

  1. Download: VDOWNLOADER
  2. Choose the FREE version (Descargar la Versión Gratuita de Real Player). You simply have to follow instructions.
  2. Choose the FREE version (Descargar la Versión Gratuita de Real Player). You simply have to follow instructions.

Chose ONE of the three options. I use Real Player and it's really easy and user-friendly.


This is a a very simple tool that CONVERTS VIDEOS and gives them an .avi extension>>>it's a LIGHT version of the video. It runs in our nets. MIND YOU: videos do not run smoothly with e-learning Class>>>try downloading the video first and then show it to your students.

  1. Download ATUBECATCHER 

Here a videoo that explains how it runs in approx 1 minute.

 Try it out. It cannot be that hard!

stella :-)

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