viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Lower thinking skills and Higher thinking skills

When you design TASKS you have to take into account the thinking skills involved (see 4Cs  & COGNITION in the CLIL handout).

 Benjamin Bloom (1956) and a group of colleagues divided thinking skills into LOTS and HOTS and identified three domains of educational activities. In the nineties Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, revisited the cognitive domain and made some changes>>>he changed the names in the six categories from noun to verb forms and rearranged them (see the highest thimking skills).

You can read more here: BLOM'S TAXONOMY OF LEARNING DOMAINS. The verbs in each level can be useful in the design of tasks. Anothe r very interesting source if you HERE

More on BLOOM'S TAXONOMY REVISED (you may use these verbs to create TASKS!)

This is a diagram of Bloom's revised Taxonomy showing the flow and process of learning. - A Churches

stella :-)

Dalton, J. & Smith, D. (1986) “Extending Children’s Special Abilities – Strategies for primary classrooms”  pp36-7

2 comentarios:

  1. We have read this information so many times...however we sometimes keep on working at the lowest levels of thinking skills, don´t we?
    So...we realize that the big challenge is not only, as you said on the first lesson, to learn how to use the ´netbook` but to use it appropriately, taking the highest levels of thinking skills into account....while we plan our teaching sequences...The combination of the good use of technology and interesting tasks will make the change...

  2. Yes, KArina. I cannot agree more. The challlenge is which ICT tools to include to enhance the use of HOTS. If we analise our textbooks, few thinking skills are included and most of them are LOTS. What about our classes? How much do we really make use of this C (see handout on CLIL)?

    Pls, take this into account when planning you assessment tasks (coming soon)

    stella :-)
